Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Top 10 Underrated Movies

Okay, here we are: I have compiled a list of what i think are the ten most underrated movies. The movies can be underrated for a couple of reasons, whether it be critical reception, lack of people who saw it, or it's just a movie that not a lot of people talk about. So, lets get started:

10. Big Fat Liar (2002)

Frankie Muniz and Amanda Bynes, two good comedic actors who have effectively dropped off the face of the planet since the shows they were on ended, headlined this flick with Paul Giamonti. The premise is 14 year old kid Jason (Muniz), who has a tendency to lie, writes a story for english class, which is then stolen from him by a washed up movie producer who gives him a ride after he hits him with his car. Jason loses the paper, and then previews for a movie with the exact same title and plot begin popping up in theaters. So, Jason and his hot friend Amanda Bynes go to LA to get the producer to admit the truth, thus begining a funny and exciting revenge plot. I don't know how exactly this became underrated, but for whatever reason, critics gave this movie, which i found very entertaining, lukewarm reviews, and honestly, not a ton of people actually saw it. Don't know why, because this has tons of funny pranks, a few cool stunts, and some great set pieces. The truth about Big Fat Liar: it's pretty 'dern good!

9. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)

Okay, so some of you might be thinking what a star wars movie is doing on this list. I'll tell why, and it's not because of negative critical response (this did pretty well with most critics.) This was the final star wars prequels, which a lot of my fellow nerds are offended by the existence of, save phantom menace, which most sane people actually like. Anyway, because Attack of the Clones was a bit... less than good, a lot of fans refused to acknowledge how great this movie was. Meanwhile, those of us who actually realized that anakin had finally stopped overacting were able to appreciate the film's epic battles, excellent score, and entertaining plot. For those of you who saw it, yes i realize the plot was kinda predictable, but that just made it more epic. I was in awe as i saw the events of the original trilogy begin to take shape in front of me. Give it a chance, and you'll be able to appreciate just how good this movie is.

8. I, Robot (2004)

This movie is further proof that critics are trolls (i appologize to the troll community if you feel insulted by this comparison) You see, most normal people who saw this thought is was really good, but those critics we all know and hade gave it mediocre reviews. Will Smith stars a homicide detective in 2035 Chicago who investigates a murder that may be linked to the robot manservants huge coporations build. The robots are programmed to never, under any circumstances hurt humans, so the murder raises a few eyebrows. There were great action seens, as well as some really good dramatic depth with Smith's character. You also had a great perfomance by Smith and the other actors, plus some cool special effects and a few funny one-liners. Despite all this, most pro trolls (once again, troll community, i appologize) couldn't warm up to it. Something to do with "it feels like an old sci fi novel." yeah, probably because it's based on an old sci fi novel, smarts.

7. Superman Returns (2006)

This was a good movie that just came in at a horrible time. Here we have a superman movie durring the peak of Smallville's popularity (granted, i've never actually seen Smallville, so i can't speak from the other point of view here) So, a lot of fanboys get upset by existence of another superman thing and wrote it off as terrible without actually watching it. Critical response was good but not great. Brandon Routh played the man of steel this time around, returning to Metropolis after a 5 year hiatus to find that, a. Lois is getting married, and b. Metropolis has become insanely screwed up. So, he suits up and, once again, encounters the nefarious Lex Luther. The plot in this one was very entertaining, plus some good performances, topped off with some nice action sequences. It really was just bad timing that lands this movie on the list.

6. Tron Legacy (2010)

Okay, I'm probably gonna get some crap for this one. This sequel to the God-awful 80's movie centers around Sam Flynn, the son of Kevin Flynn, the guy who was trapped inside the game in the original movie. Kevin's been missing for a little over 20 years, and after some news, Sam accidently gets sent inside the grid and finds him there. Fun ensues. For whatever reason, critics bagged on this movie for it's storyline, and, naturally, you've got the morons who were actually dumb enough to think the 1st movie was good (which it wasn't) who are insulted by this movie's existence. All this resistance to the film, despite some amazing special effects, mind blowing action scenes, a bit of amazing music by Daft Punk, and great performance by Jeff Bridges. Now, if you're a logical person and feel like being highly entertained for 2 hours, watch this movie. If you're a fanboy who refuses to acknowledge the fact that the 1st movie was written by a guy who thought computers were magic, don't bother.

5. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

This here is dedicated to every idiot who still thinks that Indiana Jones meeting aliens is somehow a bad thing. These morons complain that it's sci fi. I got some news for you folks: IT'S ALWAYS BEEN SCI FI. You're trying to tell me that temple of doom wasn't sci fi. It's like with lost: it was always sci fi, it just hasn't been quite as obvious until now. And as Indy being old goes, let me just say: that matters why, exactly? Now, I know I haven't actually talked about the plot, but it's an Indiana Jones movie, so the plot is fairly obvious. So, if you're actually stupid enough to listen to what South Park has to say about this movie (I can't respect you as a human if you are) and are willing to forget about epic action, classic Indy-style action and mystery, Harrison Ford being a badass, and Shia Laboef being Shia Laboef, the skip this movie. But if you're sane and realize how entertaining this is, then you can understand why i put this here. Oh, and a brief note about George Lucas only making this to make money: newflash, folks: every movie is made with the main intention being to make money.

4. Yes Man (2008)

Yes. That's the premise behind this movie. What if one man who always says no only said yes to everything. This is classic Jim Carrey, who plays Carl Allen, a guy who only say no who says yes to every oppurtunity that comes his way after attending a self help seminar. A lot of people ragged on this for being a lot like Jim Carrey's other comedy movies, but honestly, is that really a bad thing? Short answer: no, it's not. Due to negative response from the trolls known as critics (another apology to the troll community) a lot of people didn't see this. But, most people that did agree with me in saying that this provided a very fun ride with quite a few belly laughs. Is this an immensly enjoyable movie: YES!

3. The Italian Job (2003)

Gotta give one to the local boy Mark Whalberg. This remake of some Micheal Caine movie from the 60s is a highly entertaining heist movie about a group of thieves who steal millions in gold bars from Venice, only to have one of their own steal it from them, kill their leader, and try to kill the rest of them. After picking up their dead friend's hot safe cracker daughter (Charlize Theron) they head to LA to exact revenge upon him by stealing everything from him. I don't get how i have to put this on the list, really. Most critics actually gave this good reviews, and everyone i know who saw it liked it a lot. But, for reasons i don't understand, a lot of people just didn't see it, and, for those of us who did, it's not a movie people really talk about all that much. But, you should watch it if you haven't seen it because of some thrilling action/heist scenes and hilarious comedy relief provided by Jason Statham (you may know him as the mechanic) and Seth Green (you may know him as Chris from Family Guy, but my fellow nerds may know him as Oz from Buffy) Here's a good job for you on a rainy saturday afternoon: watch this movie.

2. Hancock (2006 )

So underrated it's bizzarre. The premise behind this is "what if superman was a homeless dude." At least, that's it in a nutshell. Will Smith plays John Hancock, and alchaholic superhero who gets a needed image makeover from a PR worker (Jason Bateman). The fact that this movie has to be on this list is further proof that critics.... do i even need to finish that sentence? This movie gives us not only some of the most hysterically funny movie moments i've ever seen in my life, but also some fantastic dramatic depthwith the main characters, and some great performances by Smith, Bateman, and Charlize Theron. Watch, and if you have any taste, you'll probably like it.

And #1 is....

1. Serenity (2005)

It's a paradox wrapped in an enigma how this became underrated. With this amazing movie, Joss Whedon took his short lived sci fi show gem Firefly and turned into a movie, with the main intention being to answer the questions the show gave us but couldn't answer before being wrongly axed. It follows the renegade crew of the Firefly class spaceship Serenity as they experience... issues... with one of their crew. This was quintessential sci fi, packed with epic space battles and gun fights, fantastic performances by the main cast, which included Nathon Fillion and Summer Glau, plus some great questions about human nature. Critical response to this movie was great, and fans of the show were immensly pleased. I think the main reason for it's underrated-ness is that, because it's based on a tv show, people who hadn't watched the show were under the impression that it wouldn't make sense to them. I suppose that's true to a point, but i think, for the most part, anyone can enjoy this movie. Why? Because it's awesome, that's why.

Alright, everyone, thanks for reading and be sure to check out my site regularly for movie and tv show reviews as well as other top 10 list. Bye for now.

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