Friday, February 17, 2012

Episode Reviewed: Awake Pilot

Before any of you say anything about how this show doesn't actually premier for like a month, NBC has decided to leak the full pilot episode online. Don't really know why, it's seems like poor buissiness strategy, but i'm not really complaining. My fellow blogger Rocco over managed to get his hands on it. The link is below if you're interested. The show centers around detective Michael Brittan, who is in a car accident with his wife and son. He begins living in 2 realities, one where his wife survived and the other where his son survived. It seems pretty clear that one of these worlds is a dream, but we don't know which, and both seem completely real. He wakes up in one, he falls asleep, he wakes up in the other. He has different cases, partners and therapists in both. Stuff starts crossing over, and he's not sure what's real. The premise behind this is awesome and intriguing, good acting, very well written, and some great directing. I feel like this will be heavy storyarc, serialized type of show, and I'm all for that right now, what with Alcatraz kind of awkwardly skating around that sort of thing. The pilot does a great job of setting up the premise and the overarching storyline, and I'm really looking forward to future episodes to see where they go from here. It's another great premise show with a ton of potential. Final Rating: 95%

Feel like watching it? Click the link below, scroll down a bit, kick back with a cup of insert beverage here, and enjoy.

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