Saturday, September 8, 2012

Grimm: Quill Review

So I saw the promo for this episode, and I was like, "alright, yes, a Monroe episode! Maybe we'll finally learn his last name!" Which we didn't, BTW.

Warning: Spoilers for the episode.

So what happened this week in Portland? A virus that turns Wessen into extras from the Walking Dead hits, infecting, among others, Rosalie, just as she and Monroe are having there first date (it's called "MonRomance", a word I suspect will be in Urban Dictionary by the end of the weekend). Nick and Hank are investigating at the same time, but that goes without saying.

I'll start with the virus itself, which was pretty cool. I did kind of feel like it was rushed and that maybe this should of been a two-parter, or at least ten-minute longer episode, but they did the best they could with 45 minutes. The rash the virus gives actually makes the CGI almost passable, if you can wrap your head around that idea. The infected Wessen were cool and a little bit scary too, and the action scenes with them were cool, or in the case of the one Wu was in, very funny (is that guy ever gonna get a first name?) So, cool premise. They didn't establish why the virus was suddenly in Portland, or if anyone else has it, so I'm hoping this'll come back to haunt our heroes, sort of like the Croatoan virus did in Supernatural. Here's hopin'.

So, last week it was established that Hank is now in the know. If you read my review of that episode, then you know that I felt like it was kind of a cop out. OK, yeah, I was being a bit harsh, but I wanted to see more of jumpy, on-edge, confused Hank. I thought that was interesting. But this week, they did a really good job with Hank. It was cool, Nick showing him the ropes, and they set-up that Hank is still gonna be in the dark about a lot of stuff until Nick explains it, which could lead to bad things further down the line, so I really liked that. Congrats Hank, you're officially in the Scooby Gang (wait... wrong fandom)

The MonRomance between Monroe and Rosalie we've all been expecting pretty much since her character was introduced came to be in this episode. I'll be blunt: if these actors didn't have such good chemistry, the whole thing would've felt cheesy and forced. Fortunately, they have great chemistry, and they worked well together. At the very least, I bought it. And then Rosalie gets sick, and then I noticed there was only like five minutes left in the episode, and I thought "wait, is she actually gonna die...". She didn't, though she was a WD extra for a few minutes, and that's why I felt like the episode was rushed. The promo was mostly about Rosalie getting sick, but she only was for about ten minutes. So, I was a little bit disappointed. On the plus side though, we got to see Nick's Grimm Death Grip!

As far as Juliet went, she's trying to remember Nick, but the best she gets is remembering Beaver-Plumber-Man (BPM), who, hell yeah, shows up! For new viewers, you'll have no idea who he is, but for long time fans, you might have a nerdgasm when he shows up on screen. BPM lets the word Grimm drop during his conversation with Juliet; Gee, I wonder what that's gonna lead to.

Biggest, and coolest, loose end this week was the arrival of a new Wessen-assassin, courtesy of Renard's family, but much to his dismay. We'll see how that goes, though I'm thinking we're heading into another cool fight.

Final Rating: 86%

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