Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Being Human: (Dead) Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Review

Hey guys guess what? This is the first time I've ever reviewed Being Human before! Hurray!

Spoilers follow.

After a strong season opener, our heroes (?) are reunited fairly quickly. Rather then Sally, Nick, and Stevie all sharing a body, which, I'll admit is kinda what I was hoping for, Nick and Stevie woke up in there graves. I personally thought it was a bit of a cop out at first, just because it wasn't what I wanted, but given the route things seem to be going now, I'm cool with it. More on that in a minute. Anyway, Aiden manages to reemerge from the car crash and has a reunion with Josh and Sally that turns hilarious pretty quickly when he realizes Sally's solid and Josh no longer smells like dog (the show's always been funny, but that was hilarious).

Aiden is now desperate for blood, and that's hard to come by now, thus leading to return of the wayward son Henry. I had mixed feelings about Henry in season 2; sometimes he lead to so cool story lines, moral dilemmas, and character development for Aiden, other times he was an annoying pain in the ass. Fortunately, he went the latter route this time. The man was compelling woman to being his hostage and letting him milk her blood, for crying out loud! I'll let you fill in the blank for what that's a metaphor for.

I really enjoyed seeing that play out too; Aiden went nuts when he was grounded, and now that he's back, he's in more of a grey territory then ever. Even in the face of death, he's basically resisting a world that's trying to force him into doing the wrong thing. Take notes, TV writers, this is how you develop a character.

Sally, meanwhile, is the reasoning behind the name of this episode. She runs into someone from her past (apparently a friend of her brother who's never been mentioned before), and they start making out against all common sense. Everything's looking up for Sally. But wait, the next he's dead (I'm not gonna make the black widow joke because it is going to come off as racist)! What is going on?!

Josh, meanwhile, is Mr. Rainbows and Puppies right now (incredibly lame pun intended). And while there were a few cheesy moments between him and Nora this time out, it's really hard not to be happy for the guy; he's not only no longer a werewolf, but he's not an orderly any more either, he's spent his first full moon since becoming human sitting outside of Nora's storage locker, and he's gonna propose Nora (like, the morning after she changes, while she's still naked and beat-up looking. Sally went to town with this).

One small problem, Brynn and Connor's dad has come to town after promptly mowing down the Dutch in a thoroughly badass establishing character moment. He knows Connor's dead, he can't find Brynn anywhere (he might wanna check NBC), and like all purebreds, he's an irrational, temperamental, kinda crazy dick. Like, to the point where he locked himself and Nora in Nora's storage locker minutes before the change comes, thus leading to the episode's cliffhanger.

All in all, this was another solid episode, with a few great humorous moments mixed in with the usual awesome. On a side note, I'm really liking how they've established that now that vampires are an endangered species, werewolves have sorta come to power in the supernatural world. Makes for a good mythos shake up.

Final Rating: 85%

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