Sunday, April 22, 2012

Episode Reviewed: Grimm: Cat and Mouse

Mythology comes to mind with this episode for sure. It's been a long time coming, but it's here, at least a little bit. So, we learn this week that Captain Renard and his "Royal Family" are one of seven royal families that have allied themselves with a group of Vessin control freaks who run the world from a far. Some Grimms have also allied themselves with the group. There's a name for the group, but it's, as is to be expected, it's an obscure Europeans term that remember, spell, or pronounce. There is however, a resistance group of Vessin, of which Rosalie's brother was a member. Rosalie's ex, a member of said resistance, shows up in town with a hit man on his trail looking for a new ID. Rosalie and Monroe harbor him, especially after the assassin frames him for murder, putting Nick on his trail. So, Nick, after finding that Monroe and Rosalie are helping the freedom fighter, is torn: be a cop or be a Grimm. The bulk of the episode is a sort of cat and mouse game, kind of like a 40 minute, slightly toned-down spy film, which was very entertaining. I enjoyed this episode for sure, mostly because it was nice to see Grimm get away from it's usual formula and expand it's own little universe a bit, especially with the season finale getting closer. It's also becoming more and more enjoyable to watch the dynamic between Nick, Monroe, and Rosalie (three misfits out to fight evil? Maybe David Greenwalt is injecting Grimm with a little bit Angel.) I also have a new theory: what if the Captain isn't a Vessin, but a Grimm? It's possible. I also have a feeling that, with the show already renewed for a second season, the season finale will end with a cliff-hanger. It would definetly be a good strategy. Final Rating: 89%

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