Thursday, April 26, 2012

Movie Reviewed: The Muppets

It's no secret that April is the worst month of the year for movies, and, consequently, I haven't done any movie reviews this month. I watched the Muppets recently, so I decided to review it.

In A Nutshell: The plot basically centers around Walter, a muppet raised by humans whose a huge fan of the Muppets Show. He joins forces with a teacher from his town and her boyfriend to reunite the Muppets for another show. They track down Kermit, and from there the rest of the gang assembles. And there's Jack Black. There's only one problem: they gotta put on a show and prove that they deserve to be on air. And, naturally, there's an evil buissness conglomerate out to stop them for some reason.

The Good: I was actually pretty reluctant to watch this at first, but I'm very glad I did, because it was hysterical. It was definetly refreshing to watch a comedy movie that doesn't derive jokes from being dirty or cynical. I don't really know how to describe it other than it did what is seemingly impossible these days: be hilarious in a way that can appeal to just about anyone of any age AND be cute and sentimental, and yet also satirical and clever, at the same time. What other movie can pull that off?

THE Bad: I got nothing.

FAVORITE SCENE: It's a tough call, but I'm gonna go with a tie between the Oscar winning musical number "Man or a Muppet" and the scene in which the muppets kidnap Jack Black and shrink his head while they perform a barbershop quartet version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

Final Rating: 93%

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