Saturday, April 7, 2012

Episode Reviewed: Grimm: The Thing With Feathers

So, Nick and Juliette attempt to go on a romantic weekend trip, attempt being the operative word. They run into some trouble with two vessin neighbors, with husband, a cat-thing, abusing the wife, a thing with feathers. Some old school WB fans might recognize the wife from either Smallville season 1 or Buffy season 7. The wife is also literally about to give birth to a clod of gold. Yes, I'm being completely serious. Juliette notices the apparent abuse, and Nick has to step in to make sure no one dies. In other events, Adalin's love spell is taking affect on Hank, much to the Captain's pleasure. Not sure how he plans on using Hank, exactly, but I'm sure we'll find out. Wu's appetite continues to grow stranger as we see him eat a paperclip. Not sure how this'll get worked into the overall story either, but the writers aren't just going to set something like this up and not give us any answers. Even on LOST they gave us answers. They just didn't make much sense. Also, Monroe and Rosalie seem to be getting pretty close, and we find out Rosalie's late brother might have been a bit more then just another tea shop owner. This was a good standalone overall, not quite as good as some of the others have been, but entertaining none the less. It was also refreshing to see Juliette NOT act rather 2 dimensionally. You actually see fire a gun. Not saying she's the next great female badass, but she seems more like a real person now. Final Rating: 87%

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