Saturday, April 28, 2012

Episode Reviewed: Grimm: Leave it to the Beavers

So apparently, trolls do in fact think they own all bridges, much to the dismay beaver-vessin, who have their own little mini-society that meet at "lodges." That's where the mythos go this episode, and little more.

In A Nutshell: So after seeing a troll-vessin commit a murder, a beaver vessin hides out with the previously introduced beavers. Nick needs this guy to pin the murderer, but, since beavers are cowards and they've had a feud going with trolls for quite some time, he won't, mainly out of fear of the retaliation the trolls will take. Nick then has to try to convince the beaver to come out of hiding and not only do what's right, but stick up for himself and his kind. But there's a catch; the troll realizes there's a Grimm trying to put him away for murder, so he calls on The Reapers to take out Nick. And somewhere in this Monroe comes over to Nick and Juliette's for dinner.

The Good: Overall, this was an entertaining procedural episode. We also get some mythology here too, mostly with the Reapers, but a little bit too with the characterization of trolls as controlling jerks and beavers as cowards. The dinner scene between Nick, Juliette, and Monroe is rather hilariously awakward, mostly because Nick and Monroe don't know what to tell Juliette (it's not like they can say Monroe is monster who helps Nick hunt monsters) and that basically provides the episodes comic relief. For me, the real highpoint of the episode was the fight scene towards the end between Nick and the two Reapers. It was pretty darn epic and it's safe to say at this point Nick has become a total badass. The end result, Nick has to send the Reaper's employer a "message" shall we say. Heh heh heh.

The Bad: This was mostly a monster of the week story, which can be a little frustrating this late season. I also found it hard to believe that Renard didn't notice at all that there were two Reapers in his city, especially when the last time that happened, he tracked the Reaper down and cut off his ear.

Final Rating: 89%

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