Saturday, March 10, 2012

Episode Reviewed: Grimm Plumed Serpent

Dragons. That's right. Dragons. Dragon vessin. How awesome is that?! So, arson related death calls Nick and Hank into action, leading them to a suspect who is a dragon vessin, the actual name for which being, obviously, some obscure German word i can't spell. This leads them to his daughter, a stripper/fire dancer, played Danielle Panabaker (naughty girl) She attempts to seduce Nick, doesn't work, so, naturally, she kidnaps Juliette and brings her to her father's lair. That's right. A lair. This was kind of a homage to classic dragon stories, as Monroe points out, which, since he's Monroe, gives him a massive nerdgasm. The first of two in that episode, the other one brought on by something model train related. Overall, this was an entertaining story, not quite as good as last week, but still pretty good. The writers and directors on this show (DavidGreenwaltOhMyGod!) are clearly starting to pull out all the stops with every episode. It's a bit hard to explain, but if you watch this one and the last few, you'll see what i mean. With the finale inching closer every week, more and more hints are being dropped at this season's story involving the Reapers, and so far i like where they're going with it. Final Rating: 89%

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