Friday, March 23, 2012

Rant: Theme Songs

I'm trying something knew with this one: rants with videos mixed in to reinforce my points, however absurd they may be. So, you may be thinking "theme songs? what's there to rant about?!" Quite a bit, actually. The theme song can often define the tv show, stating what it's about, what the tone is, etc in under four minutes. We have seen many a good theme song, opening sequence, whatever the heck you wanna call it, in the last twenty years. My 5 favorites are:

That 70s Show

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air

The X Files



 You get the idea, theme songs are awesome. They'll give you insight, or in the Fresh Prince's case, completely explain what the show is about. So why make this rant? Theme songs are a dying species, that's why! More and more shows are shortening or completely getting rid of theme songs so the networks can make an extra $35 off of ads! It's irritating! This year, the majority of new shows completely scrapped theme songs in place of ten second shot of the title with some music. This is Grimm's intro (disregard the first few seconds) take a look:

I'll grant, it's a relatively cool 10 seconds, but its still only 10 seconds! And there are countless others that have premiered in the last few seasons that have followed this pattern. Most returning shows have kept their full openings, notably The Office, The Big Bang Theory, and Chuck. Though there is something to be said for the fact that two of those shows are sitcoms, and the other was in it's garunteed final season this year, so it's not like the producers were risking too many dollars. Where was I? Oh yeah, so most returners kept there intros, but others drastically shortened theirs from 30 seconds to 10. Here's an example:
This is Warehouse 13's intro from season 2, which aired about year ago:

And this is the intro from season 3, which aired last summer:

First time I saw that, my response was "heh?"
You see my point.
So when did this horrible practice begin? Actually, it began with Seinfeld. Seinfeld technically never had an intro. Now before you say, "wait, what about Jerry's stand up, and the music?!" The standup was part of the show itself for the first few seasons. The even had it in the middle of episodes at first. Same thing with the music. And they completely got rid of the standup after season 4. So basically, Jerry started it. It didn't really become common until about six years ago, when all the major networks premiered shows without theme songs. It's become so common that almost no new shows this year had intros. Touch sort of has a theme song, but it's short and doesn't really count. I want to go further with this, but I know I'll start rambling. Overall, theme songs need to be brought back!

1 comment:

  1. the problem is that all theme songs to tv shows tremble to the might of the one from fresh prince of bel air


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