Saturday, March 17, 2012

Movie Reviewed: John Carter

So, a week ago i thought this was basically just an Avatar rip off. And then i found out that it's based on a book written 30 years before James Cameron was even born. And then I felt like a total poop head. And then i saw this movie. And i was disappointed. So, former confederate soldier finds himself mysteriously transported to Mars, called Barsoom by the natives, and after a series of bizarre events, leads an army to help the little guys win a civil war. The movie itself was okay. The guy playing John Carter is putting way too much epicness into each of his lines, which was a good thing in a few scenes, but felt really corny the rest of the time. CGI was a bit corny too. And it's really not a good thing when the plot feels rushed and the movie itself feels dragged out. I'll admit, i do like the premise here, but frankly all that's telling me is that the book is significantly better and that this movie was ignoring what made the book good and is desperately trying to be Avatar. When you get down to it, John Carter is basically content with being a mediocre B-Movie with a couple of cool action scenes and some racial metaphors. Final Rating: 67%


  1. i as well was disappointed by this film it tired way too hard to be avatar and that hurt the movie alot. and the villain in the film is the worst villain i have seen in a long time and he sucked because he had no motivation what so ever so basically he was evil for the sake of being evil all in all i think i am hating this film the more and more i think about it.

    1. i couldn't agree more. more i think about, the more i dislike it


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