Thursday, March 1, 2012

NBC goes all high-concept on us

First off, let me say happy march to all of my four loyal readers. Second, i'll get to my point. For some time now, NBC has been beneath the other three major networks (Fox, ABC, and CBS) who have out done them time after time. And while some great shows have come out of the peackock network in the last few years (Chuck, Heroes, The Office, 30 Rock) they remained the little guys. The solution: by appealing to the nerd community. NBC is introducing quite a bit in the way of high concept, though provoking sci fi shows to bounce back. It's a risk, but when a sci fi show finds an audience, it sticks around for a while. Ask any fan of smallville or lost. It starts with Awake, which centers around a man who, after a car crash, finds himself living in 2 realitites: one where his son survived the crash and his wife died, and the other where it's the other way around. I've already seen the pilot (they put it up online) and it was really good, and i'm looking forward to seeing where they take it from here. I've got a review for it if you feel like scrolling down a bit. Then there's Beautiful People, set in a future where humans and robots live together, but robots are second class citizens. If it sounds familiar, that's because that's the premise of the movie Blade Runner. The show's producers, however, are claiming that while there are parallels between the two, they plan on doing something totally different. I'm interested to see what they do, or, if it turns out to be a rip off of one of my favorite movies, in watching Ridley Scott sue NBC to death. There's also Revolution, but i won't bother talking about it because, based on what i've read while trolling, it sounds like a falling skies rip off, and i hate falling skies so i've got a funny feeling i won't like it. Can NBC corner the nerd market? Time will tell.

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