Friday, March 23, 2012

Episode Reviewed: Touch 1+1=3

My biggest fear with Touch wasn't that there would be no serialization. Between the great premise, the acting talent of Kiefer Sutherland (JACK FREAKING BAUER!!!!!!!) and the hopeful, slightly feel good overall messages, I figured that I'd be cool with no overall arc, and so far I'm right. No, my biggest fear was that it wouldn't ever produce anything as good as it's cinematically amazing pilot episode. Granted, this episode wasn't as good, but the pilot was hard to top and frankly, the second episode of a show is usually pretty weak. Either way, this week we saw connections made between a pawn shop owner, a flight attendant, an Indian man, a mobster, and few other people who i can't mention without spoilers. The connections were made by Jake and Martin, obviously, and it all adds up into one major story that's pretty hard to explain. Same formula as the pilot, but with the connections between the B-story and A-story being more obvious. I think that I have mixed feelings about this episode. On the one hand, the show can't use the same formula every episode without things feeling stale after awhile, and the human-experience-highlighting-B-story wasn't as compelling as the one in the last episode. On the other hand, I enjoyed most of the episode, and I couldn't help but smile when I pieced everything together. I guess I'll just see where the writers go from here. Final rating: 85%

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