Saturday, July 21, 2012

LOST Season 4 Review

Wait, what is happening right now?

In A Nutshell:
Rescue has arrived! Or has it? Season 4 centers around the freighter off the coast of the island, it's intentions, the interactions between it's crew and the castaways, and what to do about it. And the Flash-Forwards introduced in the season 3 finale are further used to show who made it off the island, how their lives are kind of going to hell, and why they need to get back.

The Good:
This season only had 14 episodes, and believe it or not, that was a good thing. The shortened number of episodes let the pace of the show speed up a lot, which was absolutely a good thing. The storyline of the freighter was pretty awesome too, lending itself to some great twists, along with awesome new characters in Lapidus, Miles, and of course, Daniel Faraday, who would've not doubt stolen the show had he simply been given more screen time.

Were it not for the freighter, we also wouldn't have gotten an episode titled The Constant, which is widely considered one of the best episodes of the entire series. The constant was for Lost what The Body was for Buffy, Absolute Justice was for Smallville, 33 was for BSG, and Blink was for Doctor Who: a gigantic pile of awesome the proves what the show is capable and shakes things up a lot. Why? Because the Constant not only featured Desmond's finest hour (in season 4, Desmond officially became my favorite character. He wasn't in season 3 because Mr.  Eko was still around then), but it also brings the concept of time travel to the table, and was just fantastically written.

The flash-forwards also proved to be awesome too. Half the fun of it was trying to figure out how everything fits together and when a flash-forward takes place relative to the others (okay, so this one is after that before that, so this is what happened between that and that). The other half was they kept you guessing; they provide twists, advance the overall story, and they give you that feeling of "okay, what is going on right now?". Naturally, the flash-forwards also make the season end in one amazing cliffhanger.

And then you've got Locke and Linus, two characters who prove to be awesome on every level. The actors have great chemistry, and when they're together, you just get that feeling that (expletive removed) is going down/hitting the fan.

The Bad:
You know what, I've got nothing.

Final Rating: 100%

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