Sunday, July 22, 2012

Man of Steel Teaser Trailers

Now that the Dark Knight saga, and with it, 2012's superhero films, have come to a close, many wonder what the next big comic book title will be. Marvel's Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World are in the works and set to come out next year, with Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Ant Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy to follow in 2014. Sony's The Amazing Spider-Man's writers are already hard at work on a sequel, and FOX has sequels for Wolverine and X Men: First Class, as well as a Josh "Chronicle" Trank helmed Fantastic Four reboot (Godspeed Mr. Trank), in development. I'm excited for all of those movies (some more then others), but the nearest one I'm really anticipating is Man of Steel.

Alright, with the Dark Knight Rises came something else that was very awesome: not one, but two teaser trailers for next year's superman flick, Man of Steel. It's basically the same trailer twice, but each one has a different voice over; one is by Kevin Costner, who's playing Clark's earth father Pa Kent, and the other by Russel Crowe, who plays Jor-El. The images in the trailers are both basically showing that in this movie, Clark Kent is actually kind of damaged in the beginning, which is something very new. I personally think that's a good direction to take it in, because I just feel like that it would be pretty awesome to watch this damaged guy with amazing abilities find his feet and become our savior. Done well, that would be epic. The voice overs are both conveying the idea that Clark needs to decide what kind of man he wants to be, and when he does, the world will be in good shape. I personally feel that the Russel Crowe voice over is somehow more epic, but I like both of them. And of course, the final shot of film is, simply put, fantastic. They're making me excited for this movie.

Take a look at both of them right here:

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