Monday, July 23, 2012

Episode Reviewed: Falling Skies: Molon Lobe

Yeah... I didn't really get the title either...

In A Nutshell:
Right after the last episode, with Karen and Ben taking off together, Karen tricks Ben into meeting the Overlords so they can gain information on the Skitter rebellion. But wouldn't you know it, the 2nd Mass was waiting to ambush them, recovering Ben and taking Mr. Fishhead captive in the process. Karen, who apparently is the most devoted employee of all time, wants her boss back, and a standoff between the aliens and the 2nd Mass is the result.

The Good:
So far, this is easily the best episode of the season. Rather then going for the latest in a long line of "let's go rescue Ben" episodes, the writers gave us an intense, action heavy game-changer. I've been complaining lately that the show doesn't have enough action, well this week made up for that and then some, with the first half hour or so dedicated to explosive gun-fights and battles, which was obviously a good thing. They also offed two minor characters, one of which happened in a way that's gonna make you feel it, even though you barely know that character, the other of which happened in one of the most disturbing ways imaginable, introducing a new type of alien in the process. The Tom-VS-Fishhead interrogation also proved to be pretty fantastic, and the result was Tom... I can't say it because then I'd ruin for those of you who haven't watched it yet, but I will say he does some badassery that'll make even you Tom-haters out there go "hell yeah!". Matt, amazingly enough, was even given something to do, and it was cool to see him as a hero. I don't know how well the child-soldier thing is gonna go over with some people, but for me, at the moment, it works. All of this is happening with an ever-Creeptastic Karen and even some good character moments for Tom and Ben, which leads to a solid ending.

The Bad:
So, last knight I watched this when it was on for the first time... ever, I think, and I've gotta say, people are right about the absurd amount of commercials attached to the show. But that's beside the point. The only real beef I had with this week's outing was that while Pope is back, but he barely had anything to do.

Final Rating: 92%

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