Sunday, July 1, 2012

Movie Reviewed: Spider-Man 3

And... I'm all out of Tobey Maguire jokes.

Okay, in honor of the Amazing Spider-Man release on Tuesday, I bring you guys my review of the final entry in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy.

In A Nutshell:
Peter Parker's life... still sucks. Sure the entire city loves him as Spider-Man and he's got a hot girlfriend, and that's all great. But the guy who killed Uncle Ben has resurfaced as Sandman. And his best frenemy Harry Osbourne knows his secret and is out to kill him after taking the persona "The New Goblin". And sleezy fellow photographer Eddie Brock is trying to destroy Peter's career. And some symbiotic alien life form has attached itself to the suit. How's that for a buzzkill.

The Good:
I am well aware that this movie gets a lot of crap, and I get some of the reasoning behind that, but I actually, for most part, enjoyed this movie (hang me). For me personally, Spidey 2 is probably overrated and Spidey 3 is probably underrated. You guys might hate me for saying that though. I found the themes of revenge throughout the movie very compelling, and I thought that James Franco did an amazing job as Harry/the New Goblin. And if you didn't love the final fight scene (Spidey and Harry vs Venom and Sandman), I don't even know what planet you're from.

The Bad:
Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of this movie I thought we could've done without; Sandman, for example. Sandman's very presence in this movie felt really tacked on and unneeded. He was clearly just an excuse to show off the movie's special effects (which, granted, were pretty good). The majority of the montage of Peter being a total jackass didn't seem necessary either, especially that weird/stupid dance scene. As far as Mary Jane goes, by this movie, she really was just a cliched damsel in distress, and that gets old, and Maguire starting to get a bit whiny. And now for the elephant in the room: Topher Grace as Venom. I actually didn't think Grace did that bad of job, I just think that, a.. he's better at comedy then serious roles, and b., his character just wasn't written well. I get irked when you have a good actor playing a poorly-written character (think Kristen Kreuk in Smallville season 6). Eddie's character was kind of boiled down to the sleezy journalist role, which was annoying. Overall, they just didn't do Venom well, which is also annoying, because Venom is an awesome villain. He's Spider-Man's Bizarro!

Final Rating: 82%

So, what's your favorite movie trilogy? Comment below, let me know!

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