Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Movie Reviewed: The Amazing Spider-Man

So apparently Eduardo got so PO'd at Mark Zuckerberg that he decided to go and become Spider-Man just to stick it to him.

In A Nutshell: 
You know the story: Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) is a nerdy, outcasted, borderline punk in high school (i.e. that kid at the back of the class who you look at and you just think "you're either gonna be really rich someday or go to jail..."). His parent's left when he was just youngin' and ever since he's been in the care of Aunt May and Uncle Saygon (Marting Sheen). And then he starts to get curious about his parents's mysterious departure. This leads him to Oscorb and Dr. Curt Connors, who has one arm. And while he's there he gets bit by a genetically modified spider, and that gives him super powers.  He then proceeds to go on humiliation-spree of people he doesn't like, while helping Connors with his cross-species engineering to help regrow the arm. But, the experiments turn Connors into the Lizard. And then Uncle Saygon eats it (not a spoiler, you already no about that), and Peter suits up, at first for revenge, but later to defeat the Lizard and his nefarious schemes.

The Good:
 I'm just gonna take care of the elephant in the room first: I'm not gonna compare this to the Raimi movies. Those were three movies, this is one. As a whole, I liked aspects of this better then the 2002 movie.

I'll start with Andrew Garfield: he owns this role. Does a great job, nails every line. And I liked the character of Peter Parker more in this movie. He was more relatable, he wisecracks (biggest problems with Maguire= whiny and not a single joke. That's an integral part of the character and I sound like a total nerd.) All these other actors are great, doing a good job with what they're given, especially Emma Stone (and not just because she's really hot) and Dennis Leary (playing a New York, seriously Dennis?! You betray us Bostonians!)

The movie itself is genuinely great; at times it's hilariously funny, at other times it's really feel-good and enjoyable, and others it's huge actions scenes enhanced by great special effects and spot on visuals. There is plenty of substance to the movie, and I think that both the feel-good first half and actioner second half play off of and balance each other out really well.

Plus, best Stan Lee cameo ever!

The Bad:
Here's the thing: to an extent, you have seen this movie before. It does try to shake things up with the formula for comic book movies, but the formula is still there, and the origin story we saw in 2002 is still more or less intact. That is probably the movie's main draw back, and it prevents it from really feeling unique and memorable. Don't get me wrong, you'll probably love this, but those are the facts. Another problem I had was that, at times, the movie felt really rushed. We went from the sewers to a battle inside the high school rather unceremoniously quickly, for instance. The only other major thing was that the Lizard, as a villain, isn't done as well as he could be. He is a standard Jekyll-Hyde, good guy who wound up doing a bad thing, Spider-Man villain, and he just could of been written better.

Final Rating: 93%

So, what's you're favorite Spider-Man movie? Comment below, let me know!

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