Saturday, July 21, 2012

Movie Reviewed: The Dark Knight Rises

So I watched a trailer for the Dark Knight Rises on youtube a few months ago, and someone said "Bane may be cool, but can he do the pencil trick?" The response was "No, but he can do the break-your-back trick."

In A Nutshell:
Everything's good in Gotham. But, what a buzzkill, it's based on a lie. But hey, everyone except Gordon and Bruce "Howard Hughes without the 8 inch nails" Wayne, feels good. Until Bane, whose pretty much Batman's version of Doomsday, comes to town with the intention of destroying everything (even bigger buzzkill). So, Bruce must put the cape back on and stop him, but it won't be easy...

The Good:
So, the movie does a great job of showing just how much a mess Bruce Wayne has become, especially because he just expects to put the hockey pads back on and resume being a badass. And then when you see him literally pull himself from the pits to truly become Batman again and save the day, it was EPIC! That was one of my favorite parts of the whole movie, just because, once again, it is freaking epic.

They also do a great job of making what Bane is doing relevant too, which I really liked. Bane was a cool villain in general; he was badass, he was menacing, pretty much whenever he talks you get the sense that stuff is really going down. I can't say that he's the best Bane because I've never seen Batman and Robin (nor do I intend too...), but he was truly a great Bane. Anne Hathaway as Catwoman was also awesome. I actually don't think they ever call her Catwoman, but she is Catwoman, she's a badass, she's fun to watch, and Hathaway does a great job. There was, obviously, a twist towards the end that actually incorporates another villain into the story, and I won't spoil it, but it was great.

The entire movie is leading up to one of the most epic final battles ever. The movie is kind of slowly building up intensity over the first couple of acts, to the point where when the battle starts, you are so engrossed that you enjoy it even more. You know that seen in the trailer with all the cops running at Bane's army? That's just how it starts; the fight is so epic that I honestly can't even begin to describe it. And the ending was not only awesome on every level, but it also was really fitting for the franchise (I also called part of the ending a few months back. Not all of it, but one aspect of it. And yes, I actually did in my review of the 3rd Dark Knight Rises trailer). The bottom line is that this movie is an amazing ending to one the best movie trilogies ever.

The Bad:
I have only two complaints: One is that Bane just isn't Joker, and Tom Hardy isn't Heath Ledger. I know that no movie is ever even mildly likely to replicate the Ledger Joker , but still. Another thing is that the movie actually takes a while to get going. It starts off kind of slow, but then after like 45 minutes, stuff starts going down and you're in for a ride.

Final Rating: 97%

So, what's you're favorite Batman move? Comment below, let me know!

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