Saturday, July 14, 2012

LOST Season 2 Review

And the plot thickens...

The second season of LOST picks up right after the first, with the hatch being blown open, Charlie apparently falling back onto some old habits, Walt being kidnapped by the others, and Michael, Jin, and Sawyer, who just got shot in the shoulder, drifting through the ocean on chunks of broken raft.

The first major story line this season is the hatch, and it's an interesting one. The first three episodes center around it in a pretty brilliant way. Let me explain: the first two episodes show the events following several characters entering the hatch at different times. The first episode is from Jack's perspective, the second being from Locke's. On paper, that might not sound enthralling, but the way they do it is pretty awesome. I just really like it when they do the dual-perspectives thing period. Then the third episode is when we get some answers... sort of. Okay, not really, but it was good. The hatch itself is an interesting setting, mostly because it gives off the feeling of "okay what the hell is going on..." and, I won't spoil anything if you haven't seen it, but the story arcs that come from this season are awesome. So yeah, the hatch kicks all manners of ass.

The second major story line is the new characters, specifically Desmond and the survivors of the tail section of the plane. That's right, they're still alive. Desmond is awesome, but, once again, I can't talk about him too much. Second to Desmond is Mr. Eko. He's the man. At times, you could tell the writers weren't sure what to do with him, but he's still awesome. Seriously, more shows need a character like Eko. Some of the other characters feel a bit like they're being shoved down our throats though, especially Ana Lucia and, to an extent, Rose's husband Bernard.

And of course, we have the Others. The Others were easily the best part of the season for me personally. Whenever they're around, you just have that feeling that (expletive removed) is going down. So many questions are raised because of them that it almost makes your head spin. So yeah, the Others kick ass and kind of make the season.

The goal of season 1 was to provide set-up, so the goal of this season was show what the set-up was for. To extent, they do that. They show us a bunch of intriguing overarching mysteries that you can't get enough of. But, they didn't do this perfectly. Chunks of the season had some sub-par writing quality, and other times, episodes just wouldn't get to the point. Example: half an episode is dedicated to Sawyer chasing an annoying frog around this island. That is textbook stalling, and when they do that, it's really annoying. The richness of character from season 1 is still very much there, as new layers are added to just about everyone. At times, the directions some characters went in were a bit painful to watch (cough cough, Charlie), but for the most part, they succeeded in making the characters seem like actual human beings.

The bottom line is that this was a great season of a truly great show.

Final Rating: 94%

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