Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Episode Reviewed: Warehouse 13: There's Always a Downside

Never have truer words been spoke on this show.

In A Nutshell:
As Artie has another encounter with Brother Data, Pete and Claudia help the warehouse's honorary crazy uncle Hugo with an artifact incident at his nephew's prep school, and Myka and Steve deal with, well, basically a therapist being put out of business, in New Orleans, and it seems to have something to do with a nearby jazz club.

The Good:
Highlight of episode was easily Artie and his continuing interactions with Brother Adrian; it escalates in this episode as secrets are spilled and the story is most definitely advanced. Saul Rubinek and Brent Spiner have good chemistry as actors, too, which helps with selling the idea that (expletive removed) is going down. If only they'd given this story a bit more screen time. I also thought that Artie switching up the usual teams was interesting too, mostly because these characters wouldn't interact one-on-one otherwise, so that was good. Pete and Steve's investigation in New Orleans was cool too, and if it had gotten a bit more screen time, it honestly might have been one of the better artifact of the week stories. And Hugo's presence is always welcomed. I'll also say that, at this point, WH13 has more or less perfected the "serialized procedural" format, which seems to work pretty well for it.

The Bad:
Pete and Claudia's prep school mystery was easily the weakest of the three stories going on this week. It just wasn't interesting or all that good, and frankly, who actually wants to watch a bunch of overly stressed prep school boys snap? The biggest problem the episode suffered from was the fact that it was doing three stories at once. Nothing got enough screen time, which was a shame, because two of these stories were good. Had the writers only done two stories in this episode, I think we all would've had a much better time with it.

Final Rating: 81%

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