Monday, August 13, 2012

Movie Reviewed: The Bourne Legacy

Think of this as the unofficial Hawkeye origin story.

Hey guys, I'm sorry I'm so late with this review, I just haven't gotten around to seeing the movie until now. I get that this is completely unprofessional, but it is what it is.

In A Nutshell:
Jeremy Renner is Aaron Cross, an Outcome agent who starts being hunted down, along with the scientist, Marta Shearing, who did the genetic modification to him, by the man after the Jason Bourne incident threatens to go public, forcing the man to shut down, which means kill off everyone involved in, Outcome. So, Aaron and Marta have to go on the run together and we have our movie.

The Good:
Like I said, Hawkeye origin story movie, i.e., Jeremy Renner was great. I actually said this in my review of the Avengers: "he's a great actor who's been in tons of movies I've seen lately in supporting roles, he's always a badass, and I'm really looking forward to seeing him in Bourne." And I was right to say that because he did an awesome job; not only was he badsass, but he just played his part well all around. Rachel Weisz was great here too, heck, the movie was well cast in general. I think the set-up for the movie was good too, because it takes a little time to really get going, but then when it does it's VERY badass. What I mean is, it eases it's way in at first, and then takes a full on swan dive. You follow? The bottom line is that this is a good time of a movie. And something I've noticed most critics aren't really addressing about the movie is the way it expands the Bourne Universe, which I love. It shows you that there is more happening in this world then just Jason Bourne, and I like that. Plus, it leaves the door opened for a sequel, and Matt Damon has actually said he will be in Bourne 5 if it happens, and you know you want it to happen; how epic would that be? Jason Bourne and Aaron Cross throwing down TOGETHER! So yeah, pumped about the idea of a sequel.

The Bad:
The biggest mistake you can make with this movie is trying to compare it to the other Bourne movies; no, it's not as good, but try to avoid that comparison if you wanna get some real enjoyment out of this. My biggest problem is that, at times, the movie borders on generic spy flick. It's not Mission Impossible 2 generic (nothing is quite that bad), but there were moments when I just felt that I'd seen this before. There were also a few things that happened that felt kind of plot-convenient, which is never good, but I was able to get over them. Another thing is that you can't shake that lingering feeling that this exist just so they can CPR the franchise and make a Bourne 5.

Final Rating: 87%

So, what's your favorite Bourne movie? Comment below, let me know!

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