Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fall TV Preview

Alright, the fall TV season will soon be upon us, and to get ready, I'm going to prep you guys and what shows will be at least sort of covered by OSN this season. I'm going by network, covering both new and returning shows. A little heads up, I won't be talking about any mid-season replacements. I'll deal with those mid-season (the only decent looking ones are Zero Hour and the Following, and I've gotta funny feeling those are both gonna get the axe). Let's get started.


Person of Interest:
Premier Date: Thursday, September 27
Last season ended with a grade-A cliffhanger, and the show just kept getting better with each episode, so yeah I'm pumped for season 2. I admit, I was skeptical of the show at first, but eventually I was won over by the pure awesomeness of watching Ben Linus and Jesus team up to fight crime. And then Elias and Root showed up, and I just found out that Ken Leung (the guy who played Miles the ghost whisperer in LOST) is gonna be in the season two premier, and the machine might become and actual character, and I am rambling right now. The bottom line is that I'm excited for this show. I probably won't review every episode though, just the ones I deem "important", sort of like what I do for WH13.

Premier Date: Thursday, September 27
I know I've voiced my extreme disgust with this blatant rip off what's arguably the best show on TV right now in the recent past, but I do plan on watching the pilot episode. I might even right a review of it. This is for two reasons: one, I make it a policy not to judge shows I haven't actually seen, so at the very least, when I roast this, I want to do it honestly. Second, it's not really fair not to. Also, in case your wondering, I'm not offended by the fact that Watson's going to be a girl (but did they REALLY have to cast someone from Charlie's Angels?), nor do I despise remakes. I loved Amazing Spider-Man, and usually when we yanks remake a British show, I'm actually interested to see what they do with it. But we should be clear that this isn't a remake, it's a ripoff. I've seen several videos in which the producers have been trying to pass this off as their own idea, which is really annoying.


Last Resort:
Premier Date: Thursday, September 27 (big night, huh?)
Government conspiracy? Nuclear nations? World War 3?! Those are some of the things that make Last Resort probably the most ambitious new series of the year. While I can't shake the feeling that it's almost too ambitious for network TV, I'm still pretty pumped for this. It just looks exciting and big and awesome, all the necessities of life. Plus, it's got tons of awesome actors, and did I mention that it looks awesome.

The CW

Premier Date: Wednesday, October 3
I'll admit I was a tad hesitant about an eight season of a show that's starting to show the signs of being on air for a really long time, but then again I think we all were. However, new show runner Jeremy Carver has taken the reigns and promised a lot of cool stuff, among which is a "reset" of the show's mythology (thought that could mean a couple of things), and, wait for it, a multi-season story arc that ideally take the Bros Winchester all the way to season ten. That's right, season ten. SPN is attempting to follow in the footsteps of it's older brother Smallville and go for a decade spanning run, which really intrigues me. What will this 3 year arc be, and how will it play out. Will it help get Dean and Cas out of Purgatory? We'll have to wait till October to find out, and for the time being, I'm excited.

Premier Date: Wednesday, October 10
Apparently in there first year without Smallville, the CW realized that they need a super hero show. That's where Arrow, a new take the DC hero Green Arrow, comes into play. The trailers look pretty badass, and it's already been confirmed that quite a few DC players will show up in Starling City, along with Doctor Who and Torchwood alum John Barrowman, whose role has yet to be specified (I think he's Batman). If Arrow lives up to expectations, it and SPN might just make for one hell of a Wednesday night.


A quick note: Grimm season 2 premiered a few weeks ago, so no, I don't plan on talking about it.

Premier Date: Monday, September 17
You damn well better believe I'm excited for this show! We're talking Iron Man director Jon Favreau, SPN creator Eric Kripke, and prince of awesome JJ Abrams as brain trust. Series Creator Kripke has described the show as a mythic quest, ala Lord of the Rings or Star Wars, only it takes place on the American road post-global blackout, and I find that idea alone really interesting, especially when coupled with the concept. My only hesitation is that it has a female protagonist, and don't get the wrong idea, I'm all for that, but Kripke  has, historically speaking, had a tough time writing for female characters.


The Walking Dead:
Premier Date: Sunday, October 11
The first time I saw TWD, my first thought after I got over how awesome it was was "this would be great with swords...". And then Michonne shows up, and I'm just like "ah hell yeah!" The Governor/Woodbury story arc sounded cool on paper, and then I see the actual trailer for the season, and now I'm really excited. At the very least, I'm hoping this will be better then season 2. At the very best, this will be the highlight of the TV season. Here's hoping (that Lori will finally die).


Doctor Who:
Premier Date: Saturday, September 1
There's an episode called Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. 'Nough said.

That's all from me for now, I'll probably do my fall movie preview tomorrow, but in the mean time, be sure to comment, subscribe, all that good stuff!

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