Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Episode Reviewed: Grimm: The Kiss

I was gonna mention this is my review of last week's episode, but I forgot, so I'll say it now: the new intro really sucks.

Note: Spoilers 

Okay so Nick lives, surprise surprise. The episode starts off with the fight between Nick and the Mauvais Dentes. Mama Grimm joins in halfway through. And let me tell you, it was badass. This was honestly, one of the cooler fights the show's had thus far. It wasn't as epic as when Nick took at two Reapers (I'm not sure if we'll be able to top that anytime soon...), but it was still awesome. Probably the episode's high point, to be honest. After that, we go to wake up sleeping beauty. Literally. But it wasn't what I expected. I doubt anyone expected that Renard was somehow gonna be able to wake her up, but I liked that he did, and the implications for that are interesting (is she gonna fall for him now...).

Let's talk for a moment about Renard, who was awesome this time around; we sort of get answers about him, but not really. The only definitive thing we learn about the guy is that he's illegitimate. He looks like he could sort of be a Wessen, one who is usually in control, but Mama Hexenbeast describes him as barely human. My theory is that he's half human, half Wessen, and since he is a prince, the result of the King being unfaithful with something unusual. Anyway, he was cool in this one, and we see some more of his brother James Frain (True Blood), and that was good too.

I also need to give the writers some props: they didn't go for the convenient cop out we were all dreading in Juliet not remembering Nick's Grimm-ness: she doesn't remember him at all. I liked that too, and I think it can go places. It's not specified if she's only lost memory of Nick or if it's total amnesia. We'll find out next week. It could be really good to, because Juliet will FINALLY be given something to do. I'm not saying she like some of the other heroes girlfriends/wives (by which I mean somewhere between annoying and infuriating), aka Lori from the Walking Dead, but she's always just kind of...  been there. Giving her something to do will be an improvement.

Other episode high points: the mama fight between Mama Grimm and Mama Hexenbeast; epic in more ways then one, and just plain cool. Awkward car ride between Monroe, Rosalie, and MG was pretty darn funny.

The only part of the episode I didn't really like was when Nick was briefly in FBI custody. It went nowhere, and felt kind of tacked on. One of the agents does basically say "this isn't over", but for the moment, it's what I like to call a Walt: a story line the show sets up and then does nothing with.

So, the good news is that the episode delivered the payoff, and this three-part story line is worth it. More then that, really, it's the best thing the show's done thus far, and it's proven that multi-episode, long running mysteries suit Grimm much more then case-of-the-week. Let's hope the writers pick up on that.

Final Rating: 90%

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