Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Grimm: Bad Moon Rising Review

So when I found out that Mark Pelligrino was going to be in this episode, my first thought was "So is this going to be Jacob Mark Pelligrino, you know, island deity, embodiment of all that's good, or is it going be, well, Satan Mark Pelligrino?"

Hey guys, I'm back, and I was debating whether or not I should review this episode, because there wasn't really much to talk about, but I decided that I will. I'm also gonna do something knew: I'm gonna divide the review into the three main points of the episode.

Point #1: Coyotl Family Values:
As villains of the week went, the inbred hick clan that could potentially be like Monroe's cousins were okay. As awesome as the creatures from Game Ogre or Organ Grinder, no, but those are arguable the best monsters of the week the show has produced thus far, so using them as the standard isn't exactly fair. Still, I felt like the writers could of done a better job of portraying them, because it is a relatively cool premise. As far Marky Mark Pelligrino (neither Jacob or Satan) went, he was good and it's always nice to have him around (his very presence boosted SPN season 7 significantly), but anyone could've played the part he was assigned. So, bit of a let down.

Point #2: Hank:
Last week, I was so proud of the writers for not going for a cop out with Juliet's amnesia. Pride retracted. We start of with the jittery, nervous Hank from the final minutes of the season 1 finale, you know, the Hank we were interested in seeing, but by the end of the episode, he basically respawns and everything's fine with him again. He even knows Nick's secret. So what would've made a more interesting story line for him this week, you ask? This: Hank stays jittery and nervous for the whole episode, and that causes him to jeopardize the case and he winds up getting someone killed, and Nick has to tell him the big secret to stop him from doing something even more stupid. That, to me, would've been much more interesting.

Point #3: Juliet:
Not really much to say about this one, other then that we now know that Nick has been specifically edited out of Juliet's memory, and there are some implications that come with that, such as is that what Adalind had in mind when she made the potion, and if so, for what purpose? Long story short, I like where that seems to be going.

Overall, this episode was kind of a let down. Granted, after last weeks finish to the brilliant three part episode and arguably the best thing the show's done so far, most anything will seem a tad disappointing, but that's no excuse for shoddy writing quality.

Final Rating: 74%

Also, in case you're wondering where my review of last night's Warehouse 13 is, I didn't write a review of that, because, frankly, there wasn't much to talk about.

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