Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Episode Reviewed: Grimm: Bad Teeth

Awkward family reunion much?

In A Nutshell:
Picking up right where season 1 left off, Nick has been reunited with his long thought dead but thoroughly badass mother. That's right, Ma Burkhardt! So Nick has to deal with that and a new Wessen called the Mauvais Dentes AND the fact that Juliette's still in coma. Monroe and Rosalie are working on that, you can only imagine what happens when they meet Ma Burkhardt. Hank, guess what, is still unstable. Renard is on edge too about what appears to be some awkward family time of his own.

The Good:
Nick deals with the fact that his mom is basically back from the dead in a pretty realistic way (I use that term loosely, seeing how this kind of thing doesn't really happen, at least not to anyone I know), so it was good that he wasn't immediately going "Mom, you're back!" Granted, he gets over it pretty quickly, but cut the guy some slack, he's seen some weird stuff, so this might not be too shocking for him. Nick and his mom were the focus of the episode, and there are some good moments between them (no, I don't mean Supernatural family bonding angst moments), some funny, some very cool, most notably when they're in the trailer and... I won't give away too much, but let me just say that the plot thickens, and for people who think Grimm doesn't do enough with it's own universe, the mythos are pretty dense at this point. Nick also has a pretty BA encounter with Adalind's mother midway through. It wasn't quite as epic as the "you no longer sell human organs!" bit from season one, but it was still cool. The main purpose of the episode, though, is to keep things moving for the next episode. Here's the thing: I personally like that Grimm is going for more long term stories, but there are going to be people who complain that this feels like half an episode, which is true to an extent. In order for this three part story to work, next week needs to have some major pay off, and by that I mean badass fight scenes and a good, solid climax. If the next episode can do that, then the last two eps will have been worth it, and this will all go down as the best thing the show's done so far. If not... let's try not to think about that. In other news, Monroe (is that guy ever gonna get a last name) was Monroe-ish, and Wu (is that guy ever gonna get a first name) was Wu-ish. Overall, I'll say that the season's off to a strong start.

The Bad:
It's the same deal as the season 1 finale in that what was wrong with the episode was that it was only 45 minutes long, but I already talked about that above. Also, pretty much everyone except Nick and Ma Burkhardt felt underused this go round, especially Monroe, Rosalie, and the recently unstable and finally interesting Hank.

Final Rating: 90%

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