Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Episode Reviewed: Continuum: Wasting Time

Insert witty time travel joke here (I'm in a lazy mood today).

In A Nutshell:
Alright, so this time out, Kiera and Carlos are investigating murder victims with holes bored into the back of their skulls, and, you guessed it, they're connected to Liber8! At the same time, Kiera is forced to form an unlikely alliance with Liber8 member Kellog over reasons I cannot reveal at the moment, and we learn more about Alec's stepdad, who has some funky sociopolitical views that seem to have something to do with Kiera's future.

The Good:
Overall, this was probably better then last week. On the surface, this seems to be a murder of the week type deal, but there's more going on here for the show's mythology and overall story than you'd think, and I really liked that. Truth be told, it's actually what I was expecting the show to be like. When you think about it, this was primarily an episode for setting the show up even more. That's what the last two have more or less done, and I feel like they'll do more set up for another episode or two, and then get more into the overarching story. I just hope it's not like A Tale of Two Cities, which took about 250 pages to get started on the book's actual plot. Plus, some good action scenes and a few funny fish out of water moments to round things out a bit.

The Bad:
It's the same gripe as last week, really, in that it still feels like Alec is just the tech support guy, and he's supposed to be a character with a lot of mystery around him, so it's a bit frustrating when he's just pressing buttons and making somewhat funny jokes for most of his 14 minutes of screen time. Granted, he did more this episode and we learn more about his family, so it wasn't as bad as last week where he literally only did the previously mentioned things. Another thing is that some of Kiera's dialogue comes off as a bit corny, and the excuse of "people talk differently in the future" is only going to last the writers so long.

Final Rating: 89%

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