Friday, May 18, 2012

Arrow Second Trailer Review

So this one just came out today, a new arrow trailer, this one delving into origins and the actual plot of the show.

In A Nutshell: Oliver Queen, hier to billions of dollars, was stranded on a deserted island for 5 years. During that time, he becomes a master archer. When he returns, he finds his city has gone to crap and he becomes Green Arrow to fight crime, using a list of names given to him by his late father to find targets.

The Good: Green Arrow's origins seem pretty cool, and the action sequences in the trailer look great. He's a classic badass, really. And, unlike Batman, Green Arrow will kill people, and I think that's what will set this show apart from Nolan-Batman. You've also got Katie Cassidy, who played Ruby in Supernatural. She's a good actress, so I she does well in the role. This shows potential for serialization, which would be great just as long as the overall story is good. The overall story, which is basically GA launching an all out war on the mob, does look pretty good.

The Bad: Some of Oliver Queen's dialogue in the voiceover is kinda corny, but so long as it isn't actually used in the show, I'll let it slide. It does also seem a bit like your standard superhero movie/show trailer, but hopefully the writers will be able to set it apart from the rest of today's abundance of comic book adaptations.

Once again, I think the show is worth a look.


Trailer anyone?

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