Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Fall Shows Promos

Ordinarily I would do all of these individually, but do to my lack of patience I've decided to review the new fall TV show trailers I'm interested in but haven't already reviewed all at once right now.

And before you read this and say: "Why isn't blank on here?!" here is a list of shows whose trailers I've already reviewed and I intend to at least watch the pilot episode:
Elementary (I reviewed it and intend to watch the pilot and hate it because it's a ripoff!)

So here are a few upcoming dramas to be released this fall that I think could be pretty good based on the trailers. Note: These are only for network TV shows. I'm not anti-cable, far from it, really, but basic cable has yet to release any schedules or trailers.

Nothing. Just nothing. Nothing new of theirs looks good. I don't like cop shows, sue me. I do plan on watching and reviewing season 2 of Person of Interest so long as I can get caught up by then, and who doesn't love The Big Bang Theory, but beyond those, nothing sounds terribly appealing.

I've probably mentioned my undying hatred of FOX, or FOX news, before while ranting. At the very least, I've bagged on them while talking about Joss Whedon. But they make shows that at least look good in trailers. Have some of them been fails? Sure (Terra Nova, Alcatraz) But one does look pretty good:

The Following:
It basically centers around a former FBI agent (Kevin Bacon) who comes out of retirement when a serial killer he put away almost ten years ago resurfaces, along with an apparent cult of serial killers. The trailer implies potential for serialized storytelling (Woo!) and it seems to check out with quite a few good things: action, overarching mystery, charismatic villain, and a dark tone. My main hesitation is that in the past, FOX + dark serial drama=cancelled in less then two seasons. (You guys remember Dollhouse and Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles, right?) It doesn't air until midseason, most likely not until January, so I can't even say for sure it won't be on Fridays. But who knows? Maybe FOX will finally decide to stop being jerks. Okay, probably not, but this still looks good.

I know I've bagged on ABC in the past for doing too much generic stuff (aside from Lost, that's kind of all they do) but they are cranking out a few new dramas that look interesting, even though the trailers seem to be evidence of ABC's love affair with voiceovers (DAMMIT!)

Last Resort:
Military drama/political thriller involving  powerful nuclear submarine the USS Colorado that is ordered to fire on Pakistan until nothing is left. When they refuse to do so until receiving confirmation of orders,  another ship fires on them. Crippled, the Colorado retreats, only to find that the US government has branded them terrorists. The Colorado lands on a small tropical island, which the captain takes control of and declares the world's smallest nuclear nation. As the crew settles into they're new home, they begin playing a dangerous game with the US government. Sounds like a potentially very cool action drama. Is there a serial somewhere in here? Certainly seems like it, and ABC usually is a serial-friendly network. I like the premise, and an actioner and political thriller could fit right on the 8 PM Thursday night time slot the show's been assigned.

Zero Hour:
If this doesn't have serial written all over it, I don't know what does. So, the editor of a paranormal magazine's wife is kidnapped by a strange group of people who want a clock that the man has. The catch: the clock is part of a series of clocks that are connected to a major world conspiracy. From there, a hunt ensues with the man teaming up with both friends and the FBI to find his wife and unravel the mystery. I can't give you a time slot as this is a midseason replacement, but I can say I'll give this a look. Overarching, compelling mystery? Check. Paranormal elements? Check. And while this does seem suspiciously like the Da Vinci Code in TV show form, I'll give it a shot.

That's it for me. I've got these three shows, two of the ones mentioned above, and a few returners on the docket this coming season, and anything else that comes out midseason or on cable and I just haven't heard about yet. It might sound like I have a lot on my plate, but keep in mind, I tried seven new shows last year, and I only ended up liking two of them. So yes, there's every possibility that all of these will suck, but I think I'll end up liking at least one of them. 

Let it be noted that I will probably repost this with all the new shows I'm interested in sometime in August, along with a post for returning shows.

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