Saturday, May 5, 2012

Movie Reviewed: The Avengers

How would I describe this enormous pile of awesome called The Avengers? Oh I know: If Iron Man and Independence Day had a baby that was twice as awesome as both of them combined, it would The Avengers! I've been waiting for this movie for well over a year now, and the wait was well worth it! So now, it's review time!

In A Nutshell: So, this is basically the culmination of everything Marvel has spent the last 50 years working towards. It was a total gamble at first, making a bunch of movies all leading up to this, a crossover between them, but it most definitely payed off. The plot? Loki, the Thor's demigod adopted brother last seen falling into a sort of inter dimensional void, is back, and he wants to lead an army of aliens to conquer the earth. But, he needs a cube that SHIELD, the previously introduced enigmatic government agency, has. So he comes to earth, takes it, and he's going to use it to bring his army here. So,  SHIELD has to activate the Avengers Initiative, calling upon a group of remarkable people to fight the battles they can't. Who are these remarkable people? Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. Let the epicness begin.

The Good:Just about everything here. The storyline itself is really good, if kinda basic. But you don't realize that just because of how epic everything is, and you don't want it to end. Now, when all these strong personalities meet and collide, the movie doesn't take the easy, corny way out by having them all be like "oh let's all work together and save the earth because we're such good souls." They have them argue with each other, with personalities clashing, most notably the no nonsense Cap and fun and games Iron Man. This alone was fun to watch.

Heck, all the characters themselves are great. Joss Whedon, who wrote and directed the film, does a great job with what he does best: having a bunch of different people have to come together and face a task only they can complete. And he does a great job with all these characters. Tony Stark is the perfect character for him to write for, Cap is much better here than in his own movie, Thor is fun to watch, Back Widow is the strong female role Whedon is known for, heck, even the Hulk is great here, same Nick Fury and Agent Coleson. And you can really tell Whedon is a great writer when he can have Pepper Pots be the devoted girlfriend in a way that doesn't seem incredibly sexist.

Among all these awesome heroes is some believable, often hysterical dialogue, spoken by a group of amazing, A list actors in the primes of there careers who do great jobs with what they're given (Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johanasson, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffallo who is a much Hulk then Edward Norton, Gwenyth Paltrow, and Jeremy Renner.)

Loki is also a really awesome villain, his being believable and badass.

The special effects and sound are just indescribable, making the movie visually stunning and realistic in terms of sound quality, all of which is enhanced by Whedon's amazing directing.

And then you've got the last 30 minutes of the movie, which is massive action/final epic scene, and may just be the greatest fight in the history super hero movies. Now, every action scene here is incredible, but seriously, the last half hour alone is amazing and could be it's own thing, and then you've got 1 hour and 50 minutes of kick ass awesomeness leading up to it. It just covers all bases in almost every way. I honestly can't put into words just awesome this was.

The Bad: I was only really disappointed by a 2 things in this movie:
1. The complete lack of War Machine. After his creation in Iron Man 2, I was expecting Rody to be recruited along with Tony Stark and help out with some of high tech fights. It's not like there's some massive hole in the movie because of this, and I didn't mind it that much, but I think War Machine would've been a nice touch. Odds are he'll be in one of the sequels though, so it should be fine.

2. Hawkeye got sold a bit short. Now, in a movie with this many superheroes and strong personalities, someone was bound to be a kinda understated, and, not surprisingly, this was Hawkeye. It was probably because he's the only character that hasn't been in another Marvel movie before this, save for 30 second cameo in Thor, so yeah. Now, I like Jeremy Renner, I think he's a great actor and he does a good and pretty badass job with what he's given, so I was a little disappointed by his more minor role. But hey, there's always the sequel, and either way I'm looking forward to seeing him in the Bourne Legacy.

I would say I'm upset Red Skull wasn't here either, but seeing how it'd be too much to ask for both Loki and Red Skull in one movie and the fact that he'll almost definitely be in the sequel, I didn't get too upset by it.

Am I onboard with this movie? Hell yeah! With this franchise? Hell yeah! With Marvel in general right now? Hell yeah! Is this the greatest superhero movie ever? Can't say yet just because the Dark Knight Rises isn't out yet, but it's at least in the top 5. Is this awesome? HELL YEAH!

Final Rating: 96%



  1. i would say this is my favorite marvel movie of all time but the problem is the sequels not saying there going to be bad its not going to feel the same cuz this film was hyped for four years and had five films building up to it and seeing these different characters come together for the first time on screen is wonderful but the sequels won't have that first time feeling of awesomeness that being said i would give this a 95%( i like to round my scores to fives or zeros thats how i roll)


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