Friday, May 18, 2012

Arrow First Trailer Review

So, the CW is unleashing a new superhero show come fall, titled "Arrow." It's based on the DC comics hero Green Arrow (Insert obligatory Justin Hartley joke here), who, for you Marvel guys, is the DC equivalent of Hawkeye. The show promises to gritty, dark, and hard edged, ala the Dark Knight. This could mean that, gasp, the CW is creating a guy show. So, billionaire Oliver Queen (if any of you trolls play that name up, I will track you down and hurt you) was ship wrecked on a desert island or something like that for a few years, comes back, trains like hell, dons a hood, and starts fighting crime using his archery skills ala Robin Hood.

In A Nutshell: The trailer actually doesn't show that much of the plot of the show. It gives us a short training montage of Oliver/ Green Arrow being/becoming a badass. And it does have grit.

The Good: Despite not giving us much to work with, the trailer is pretty awesome. Green Arrow is supposed to be a straight up badass, and that much is obvious from this trailer. It just gives us a snippit of the awesomeness that could very well be ahead. I'm really hoping they'll do something different with this superhero show, by which I mean serialization, which this seems to have potential for.

The Bad: There wasn't anything I actually disliked here, but I have some reservations about this show. First off, superhero shows just tend not to work unless they're on the CW... which this is... but still, it says something when just last year two superhero shows are unceremoniously axed within two months of each other.

Will I give the pilot a gander this september? Yes. Should you guys? Watch the trailer for yourself and decide.


Trailer anyone?

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