Friday, May 25, 2012

Elementary Trailer

Were it not for "Person of Interest" and 'The Big Bang Theory", this trailer and this show in general would be making me change my official motto to "CBS=FAIL!" Then again, my motto right now is "ABC=FAIL!" so it wouldn't be much of change.

So, Elementary is CBS attempting to do a ripoff of the hit BBC drama Sherlock. It's a TV show and modern rendition of Sherlock Holmes, with the stories being told in modern day New York City. Sound familiar? The only legit difference between this and Sherlock is Sherlock is set in modern London, and Elementary has elected to make Watson a girl, played by Lucy Liu. It shows some clips from the show itself, but mostly just does little interviews with the cast and crew, a TV show trailer format I've always found annoying.

The Good: They cast Johnny Lee Miller as Holmes, and he is a good actor, but like Shia Laboeuf, his talents will go wasted as a result of being handed crappy script after crappy script.

The Bad: Where do I start? First off, THIS IS A RIPOFF!!!!!!! Of one of my favorite shows, too! Plus the writers have this little smug look on their faces during the interviews like they've gone and done something brilliantly original, even though it's been done by a man named Steven Moffat. On top of that, the trailer uses a format that, as I previously mentioned, I bear a mild contempt for. Sherlock himself also seems kind of out of character from the books, which makes me suspect that this won't be Holmes-esque in any way save the names of the characters. As far as Watson being a girl goes, I'm not upset about that itself because I'm not a sexist, but they did cast the girl from Charlie's Angels, so I'm not exactly happy. It also pretty much guarantees that eventually Holmes and Watson will get together romantically. It's not a matter of if but when. And for crying out loud, who goes to New York for rehab!

My plan is to watch the pilot, write an absurdly negative review, and hope it's gets cancelled.

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